The Spiritual Exercises are an ordered sequence of meditations—exercises—that arise from the profound experience of the love of God. Their purpose is to help the one who exercises to acknowledge the presence of the living God in their life. In His covenant with us, God not only speaks words of love, but very concretely sustains, accompanies and shows his personal and unconditional love.
In this weekend of absolute silence, we will follow Mary’s example in being open to receive God’s love by following a method of prayer with Sacred Scripture. Even though a silent retreat can be restful because of the disconnection with our daily routine, the rhythm of these exercises is intense. We are
supposed to exercise our souls in nine hourly meditations throughout these three days.
We go to these exercises to spend time with God. He always wants to be with us, and for that reason he draws us into prayer and intimacy. It is a time of mutual love. God has chosen me to live in Covenant with Him.
The heart of the Exercises will be covenant spirituality: that truth contained in our faith that recognizes a God-creator involved and committed to his creation. Hence, our inner movement of the exercises, and the effort that this will entail, will aim at letting ourselves be found by God. To seek him so that he may find me.
A few practical notes
- Please bring a bible and a notebook
- More practical details to come.
Upcoming retreats
Oct 25-27, 2024 in Cypress, TX
Submit a payment
Weekend Schedule
(subject to change)
7 pm Dinner
8:30 pm First exercise
10 pm Night prayer
7 am Optional Holy Hour
8 am Mass
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Second exercise, followed by 15 minutes rest
10:45 am Third exercise, followed by 15 minutes rest
12 pm Fourth exercise
1 pm Lunch
3 pm Fifth exercise, followed by 15 minutes rest
4:15 pm Sixth exercise, followed by 15 minutes rest
5:30 pm Seventh exercise
7 pm Dinner
8-10 pm Optional adoration
10 pm Night prayer
7 am Optional Holy Hour
8 am Morning prayer
8:20 am Breakfast
9 am Eighth exercise, followed by 15 minutes rest
10:15 am Ninth exercise
11:30 am Mass
12:30 pm Optional social